Welcome to the VMFA

20th October, 2020 – Melbourne Polytechnic Farrier Opportunities.

To The Master Farriers Association

Melbourne Polytechnic is currently undertaking its course development and scope of registration process to commence delivery the Certificate IV in Farriery in 2021. The program will see a number of new flexible, innovative approaches to teaching delivery and assessment to assist apprentices in accessing resources, undertaking a blended delivery mode , including virtual live online classes that can be accessed remotely, forums, Q&A sessions and some assessment in the workplace. All of this has been designed to take place where appropriate. Melbourne Polytechnic is committed to the long term success of this program and is currently seeking expressions of interest from Industry Farriers who would be interested in sharing their expertise, by providing specialist training to apprentices.

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It is to be expected that those who maybe interested may not necessarily have the teaching qualifications to do so, Melbourne Polytechnic is prepared to sponsor successful applicants in providing training in the following units of the TAE Cert IV in Assessment and Training

  • BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation
  • TAEDEL301 Provide Work skill Instruction

These two units will allow you to assist our trainers in delivery and present guest lectures or demonstrations. There are flexible training hours available for those who are interested.

Our aim is to provide a pathway for Farriers to support their industry through engagement with our Victorian Apprentices.

We welcome expressions of interest and the opportunity to discuss future opportunities, please feel free to contact Maureen Doherty  maureendoherty@melbournepolytechnic.edu.au or  03 9269 8842

Gary Paterson

Manager of Food Fibre and Animal Industries

Melbourne Polytechnic

77 St Georges Road, Preston 3072

Mobile 0409 550 777

Phone   03 9269 1069

7th August, 2020 – Racing Victoria Covid-19 Stage 3 & 4 restrictions update.

  • Under the Stage 4 workplace restrictions, “any services connected with animal health, husbandry or welfare…” are permitted to continue operation subject to having a CovidSafe Plan in place
  • In addition to this, racing remains a permitted industry with restricted operations and industry specific obligations
To that end, farriers are considered to be permitted workers. Where a farrier operates within their own company structure or is a sole trader, they are permitted to issue themselves with a permitted worker permit, signing the document as both Employer and Employee. I have attached the Permitted Worker Form here.
In terms of PPE requirements, I recommend you review the Government Direction on Workplaces which sets these requirements out in some detail.
Where a farrier operates from their own workplace or premises, they will also be required to have a CovidSafe Plan in place. I note for farriers who visit the premises of others will not need to have such a plan in place.


Riley Watson, aged 19 with car license and willing to travel.  Has work experience in the Diamond Valley and has been around horses and livestock.

m: 0411 880 691

13th May 2020, DIPLOMA UPDATE 

Unfortunately the Diploma exams have been postponed due to the COVID19 pandemic.  We are not able at this time to advise another date due to the uncertain time frames for lifting travel restrictions to and from Australia.

If you have paid a deposit and would like this refunded please contact info@vmfa.com.au.

We will keep applicants informed through Facebook, email and www.vmfa.com.au


Due to coronavirus concerns, Melbourne Polytechnic as decided to suspend farriery block training from Monday 23rd March until the end of term break, 14th April, affecting year 1 and year 3 apprentice groups.   Sessions will be re-scheduled later in the year.  Letters to employers and apprentices have been distributed today.

21st February 2020, MELBOURNE POLYTECHNIC UPDATE – ACM30517 Certificate III In Farriery 2020

Dear employers

We have communicated with Industry regarding the training blocks and timetables for all Farriery apprentices for 2020. We have amended the previous information I emailed you on 06/01/2020.

Our Program Leader, Maureen Doherty and Manager, Gary Paterson have consulted Industry and taken in consideration of their requirements on when they want their apprentices on board.  Please find attached an explanation letter, training block calendar for 2020, first to fourth year timetables, welcome letters to employers and fees document.

Should you have any questions regarding this email, please contact me on my direct number or Maureen on 9269 8842.

Kind Regards,

Lidia Cimbaro

Administrative Assistant

Department of Food, Fibre & Animal Industries

Program: Agriculture, Animal & Equine Studies

Epping Campus


Industry Explanation Letter

2020 Calendar Block

Employer Welcome Letter 1st Year 2020

Employer Welcome Letter 2nd Year 2020

ACM30517 Timetable Yr 1 2020

ACM30517 Timetable Yr 2 2020

ACM30517 Timetable Yr 3 2020

ACM30517 Timetable Yr 4 2020

MELBOURNE POLYTECHNIC – Meet with James Farmer (Manager of Agriculture, Melbourne Polytechnic) to discuss Certificate IV in Farriery, held at Caulfield Glasshouse, Thursday 19th September 12.30pm, please RSVP by text 0404 533 464 or email to info@vmfa.com.au.

James Farmer is encouraging and seeking feedback from related industry associations and persons in relation to changes in farriery courses – this is a great opportunity to contribute to and express any concerns you may have in the area of farriery apprenticeships, education and training.

Click here – Communication from James Farmer

REGISTER NOW – 2nd Annual Australian Farriers’ Conference 1- 3 August 2019, Mantra Legends Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland.

  • Local & International Speakers
  • Full-Day Hands-On Workshops
  • High Quality Presentations
  • Trade Show
  • Welcome Reception & Farriers’ Dinner Events
  • Unlimited Networking

The event has limited capacity so participants are advised to book ASAP.


for your electronic or hard copy contact info@vmfa.com.au

31 MAY 2019

The 2019 AGM will be held in Caulfield on Wednesday 28th August.  Further details to follow shortly.  We would appreciate your support, attendance and contributions.  Formal invitations will be sent out to members in due course.

Any queries please contact:


Tentative Dates 2019/2020

VMFA AGM – 28th August 2019 (confirmed)

Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse Competition – March 2020

The Worshipful Company of Farriers Exams – November 2020

confirmation and details of these events to be advised asap, any queries please contact the VMFA directly info@vmfa.com.au

Upcoming Clinics

Monday 3rd June 2019 7pm – 8.30pm

Ballarat Turf Club – Equine Poor Performance Syndrome & Low Heel Solutions Seminar

Live presentation, Dr Andrew Watts B.V.SC. & Steve Costin Master Farrier

Reserve your place: call 0406 060 960 or email info@horsehooftreatment.net


Tuesday 4th June 2019 12pm – 1.30pm

Crown Equine Veterinary Hospital – Equine Poor Performance Syndrome & Low Heel Solutions Seminar

Live presentation, Dr Andrew Watts B.V.SC. & Steve Costin Master Farrier

Reserve your place: call 0406 060 960 or email info@horsehooftreatment.net


13th December 2018

Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse Competition Results – click on link for details

Dennis Kennedy 2018 Comp Results

29th November 2018


Please visit the Events page for competition timetable – Saturday 8th December 2018.


Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse Competition

Judge: Rodney King AWCF

Venue: Ironbark Clydesdale Horse Park

Address: 9 Lillypilly Lane, Kilsyth South.

Date: Saturday 8th December 2018

Time: 9am – 9pm

Cost: $5 entry fee

The Victorian Master Farrier’s Association welcomes you and your family to join them for a fun packed day of activities including:

forging classes
wool spinning
live music
BBQ and refreshments available not to mention the appearance of a very special guest – Santa and his sleigh!!


20th November 2018

LAST CHANCE to get your entry form in for the 2018 Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse CompetitionENTRIES CLOSE TODAY

Please visit the Events page for details and competitors application form.

14th November 2018

ENTRIES CLOSE TUESDAY 20th NOVEMBER – Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse Competition

Please visit the Events page for details and competitors application form for the 2018 Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse Competition, to be held 7th-8th December 2018.

9th November 2018


Please be advised correspondence has been made (on behalf of the VMFA committee and members) to Racing Victoria and the University of Melbourne regarding their inclusion of an unqualified farrier in a recent study.  We have expressed our concern with this and have encouraged them to consider VMFA members for this and any future studies.

We will continue to keep members updated.

30th October 2018


Fully licensed 24 yo located in Croydon, happy to travel.  Completed year 12. Confident and capable with young and old horses.  Currently working with Ajay Roberts once a week removing shoes and started clenching up.  Currently working as a full time duty manager for Woolworths.  Reliable and hard working.  Please contact Logan Lillis on 0408 298 714

8th October 2018


Please visit the Events page for details and the competitors application form for the 2018 Dennis Kennedy Memorial Heavy Horse Competition, to be held 7th-8th December 2018.

8th May 2018 – Please visit the Events page for info on this year’s AGM.  We would appreciate your support, attendance and contributions.  Please let us know if you are attending for the catering.

8th May 2018 – As you may be aware the VMFA committee has been working with educators and government administrators over the last year, contributing to the Cert III Farriery course changes.  Skills Impact have been heavily involved and have recently published their recommended changes to the course.  This can be viewed on their website – https://www.skillsimpact.com.au/animal-care/training-package-projects/farriery-project/

Special Notice to members re WCF – The proposed WCF examinations in Dec this year will not take place due to insufficient registrations.  This will be reviewed early next year with the possibility of them occurring mid-year.  Please let us know if you are interested.

For more information please look at the Members page on this website for details of the 2016 programme, reference the WCF site at wcf.org.uk or contact the VMFA Secretary at info@vmfa.com.au or 0404 533-464.


As the associative body of farriers in Victoria we are dedicated to improving the industry.  We continually work along side Melbourne Polytechnic (previously North Melbourne Institute of TAFE) to help in the education of apprentice farriers and better the knowledge of all farriers. This in turn will help improve the service and quality of tradesman in our industry.

If you are looking for a farrier in you local area we can provide you with one of our members contact information.

If you are looking to start an apprenticeship but can’t find a master, we may be able to help.

All our members are Trade Accredited and carry a minimum of Certificate III in Farriery.MP_Prim_Logo 500 500_RGB_23-0-82

Are you interested in working with and shoeing horses? Saddle up for a career in the horse trade with Melbourne Polytechnic’s Certificate III in Farriery. This course will allow you to develop the broad range of practical skills you need for this essential equine trade.


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